PPE Information

Please read all tabs before placing order.

Last Updated: April 13, 2020

As of this writing, I’m not helping in the sourcing of N95s. We have been looking into N95 manufacturers in China, some of which do have FDA registration and 3rd party approval, but as this is not my area of expertise, I personally feel it is too risky for everyone involved. So at this time, I won’t be able to assist with any N95 orders.

Last Updated: April 13, 2020

On this page you will find KN95 images, KN95 mask grade vs. N95, links to various health organizations regarding KN95, feedback from doctors, and the option to see product certification.

KN95 mask KN95, original 10 pc packaging KN95 image, dimensions

On 3/23, I helped my sister, an anesthesiologist, source the KN95 mask, pictured above. She and other healthcare providers have sought out KN95s in the absence or shortage of N95s. These aren’t intended or recommended as a direct N95 replacement when you have access to N95. If you are running low on PPE and are seeking protection, you can consider these.

The KN95 is a category of facial masks made in China for a range of professional use. The KN95s offered here have been registered with the FDA as a Class II mask, as a medical product. The masks's grade level is GB2626-2006 (you will see this imprinted on the mask packaging), which in China is classified for industrial use, for dust protection. However, the requirement for particle filtration level is the same as the N95: ≥95% (and it performs so under 3rd party testing). This information is freely available online for public review. However, they are still not USA FDA approved nor NIOSH-approved. This means that the decision to purchase and use the KN95 is at the buyer’s discretion.

Scroll down to the CDC, 3M, and FDA links below regarding pertinent comparisons between N95s and KN95s.

The KN95s available via my agent come in only one size. Dimensions have been indicated in the picture above. At this time I do not have any way to comparire their fit vs. any N95 sizes. No guarantees can be made about fit or seal.

If you are looking for a way to stave off ear fatigue with the ear loops, and also have the option to adjust tightness, there are behind-the-head loop extenders available in the “Other PPE” tab.

Regulations + News

CDC - Here is the link from the CDC website that dictates which standards from ex-US countries are considered equivalent in quality; more importantly, the CDC indicates that these can be allowed in a time of a shortage of N95 masks, such as now. Click to view table comparing KN95 (GB2626-2006) to N95

3M - Link to a 3M document comparing various disposable respirator masks, including the N95, KN95, and FFP2.

FDA - On April 2, 2020, the US FDA approved the emergency-use of official KN95s.

"中华急诊网 - China Emergency Services, "防护型口罩临床应用专家共识 | Expert Consensus on the Clinical Application of Proective Masks." This is in Chinese, and is a report on the comparative use of several grades of protective masks, with specific reference to N95 and KN95 (GB2626-2006).

KN95 in the News

To make sure you are abreast of the news around KN95 masks: there was a recent account of KN95s ordered from China to the Netherlands and distributed by the gov’t to hospitals; and then recalled when they found then didn’t meet the EU standard. They were testing the KN95 on the same standard as their local FDA approved masks, meaning, they were using it as a direct replacement for N95. I have to stress again that the KN95s are not meant to replace N95 when you have N95 available. As my sister said, it’s better than nothing, when you have nothing. Please take this into account with your decision.

Feedback from Doctors (updated April 22, 2020)

Three doctors have offered feedback on the KN95 masks ordered via this site.

Case 1: Dr. Chui in Vancouver took the KN95 to her hospital and had a successful fit-test. This KN95 was a big loose on her, so she opted to pull the loops around her ponytail, thereby creating a tighter seal. In this fashion, the KN95 passed her fit-test. More information on Dr. Chui will be posted on the FAQ page.

Case 2: One doctor indicated that the masks were indeed a bit loose, but an application of tape on the bridge did assist with seal. A relevant photo will be posted on the FAQ page.

Case 3: My anesthesiologist sister, Sara, provided an unboxing video with some personal feedback on how she intends to use them. That video will be posted on the FAQ page soon. In addition, her group had originally decided to shelve the KN95s upon seeing their non-medical China classification. Upon viewing more material and announcements from the CDC, they decide to distribute these through their network as backups.

Case 4: There have been at least 2 doctors who ordered masks but whose medical group ultimately decided not to distrbute these as they did not pass more stringest testing. This is an example of how each buyer should carefully read the material and buy at their own discretion. I felt it was important to put a non-endorsement here to illustrate that each buyer makes their own purchasing decision, and not every health organization decides to accept and use these masks.

If you need to see Company registration, FDA registration, CE quality inspection documentation, test results or other such paperwork, please contact me.

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Last Updated: April 13, 2020

Product DescriptionImage
Disposable Face Masks. These are similar to Surgical masks, but are not sterilized for medical use, and are not vacuum packaged. Suitable for general population use in a non-medical environment.

These come 50 to a box.

Card image cap
Image - disposable masks, non-medical
Card image cap
Disposable Surgical Masks. These have been sterilized and then vacuum-packed, making them suitable for use in a medical environment.

These come 50 to a box.
Image - Surgical Masks
Card image cap
Face shields are generally used in a medical environment.

These come 5 to a pack.
Image - Face Shield
Loop extenders can be used with the KN95 and other face masks to offer different levels of tightness and fit, and to relieve ear fatigue.

At this time I do not have any information on pack size.

There are a few different styles available, and stock levels differ from day to day. When you place your order request, you will be informed which style is available and in which quantities.
Image - Mask Loop Extenders

This page may be updated in the future with more or less PPE.

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